Category: News

The guests from Berlin visited IDA

uczestnicy wykładu patrzą na ekran z prezentacjąOn Wednesday, May 15th, we had the pleasure of hosting a group of students under the supervision of Dr. Svenja Hoenig from the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin).

Architectural Tour – Architecture of Education

grafika ozdobnaOn April 29th, we invite you to the Palace of Youth for an “Architectural Tour – Architecture of Education.” The tour will be led by Dr. Arch. Jacek Kamiński from our Institute and Adam Lasek, the Director of the Palace of Youth.

Farewell Jurand

Jurand Jarecki under the plane modelDuring the night of March 14th, the great architect Jarecki Jurand passed away.

Photography Contest

Logo of the photography contestTogether with the Association of Polish Architects (SARP), Katowice branch, and Igers Katowice, we invite you to a post-competition exhibition in celebration of World Architecture Day.

Open Days at IDA

Śląskie Dni ArchitekturyThank you for participating in our Open Days at IDA, which took place last Friday in October as part of the Silesian Architecture Days organized by the Association of Polish Architects, Katowice Branch.

Farewell, Master

Tadeusz Barucki patrzy na horyzont ze szczytu skarpyOn July 26 of this year, at the age of one hundred, Mr. Tadeusz Barucki passed away – an architect, traveler, and unparalleled researcher of contemporary world architecture.