Marek and Ewa Dziekoński are one of several pairs of architects who, together with Hanna Adamczewska and Kazimierz Wejchert, Maria and Andrzej Czyżewski, and Bożena and Janusz Włodarczyk, co-created the town of Nowe Tychy.
Marek Dziekoński was born in 1930 in Warsaw. As the grandson of architect and conservator of monuments Józef Pius Dziekoński and the son of architect Tomasz Dziekoński, he grew up in a coterie of creativity and art. As a child he was fascinated by games of sculpting imaginary cities in Wrocław. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Wrocław. His outstanding abilities were appreciated by Prof. Tadeusz Brzoza who took him on as an assistant at the Department of Design of Social and Residential Buildings. He simultaneously combined his work at the university with architectural design work for Miastoprojekt (urban project) in Wrocław.
Ewa Dziekońska, née Sędzikowska, was born in Skarżysko Kamienna in 1929. She completed her secondary schooling in Brzeg. Her choice of profession as an architect was not the realisation of youthful enthralment, but a conscious decision to take on a profession in which she could serve people. She met Marek while studying architecture in Wrocław. They worked together until the late 1970s.
The project ‘A collection of film portraits of architects of Upper Silesia from the second half of the 20th century’ presents profiles of the following architects: Stanisław Niemczyk, Marek and Ewa Dziekoński, Jerzy Witeczek, Janusz and Bożena Włodarczyk, all representatives of post-war architecture in Upper Silesia, and also architect Tadeusz Barucki – art historian and documentarian – who sets out the achievements of world architecture of that period. It is important in this project to not merely present post-1945 architectural heritage and associated surviving design documentation, but also, and perhaps first and foremost, to display profiles of their creators and their complex biographies and personalities. Our collection of film portraits constitutes a part of the documenting, archiving, research and popularisation activities of the Institute of Architecture Documentation at the Silesian Library.
The project is co-financed by the Polish History Museum in Warsaw as part of the ‘Patriotism of Tomorrow’ programme. Photograph from the archive of Ewa Dziekońska. Marek and Ewa Dziekoński are joined by Hanna Adamczewska-Wejchert

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(Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland licence).