Author: ida_admin

Farewell, Master

Tadeusz Barucki patrzy na horyzont ze szczytu skarpyOn July 26 of this year, at the age of one hundred, Mr. Tadeusz Barucki passed away – an architect, traveler, and unparalleled researcher of contemporary world architecture.

Ceremony on the occasion of Tadeusz Barucki’s 100th birthday jubilee

CeremonyIn June of this year, Mr. Tadeusz Barucki – an architect, traveler, and unparalleled researcher of contemporary world architecture – celebrated his 100th birthday. Since the early 1960s, he has been a “Window to the World” for the Polish architectural community. He has undertaken numerous journeys to 114 countries, giving lectures at universities and architectural associations worldwide.

Silesian Library of Spoken Portraits

Śląska Biblioteka Portretów MówionychA project aimed at recording video portraits of individuals whose achievements in the fields of science, culture, education, sports, and politics have had and continue to have significant importance for Upper Silesia.

Istria – a lesson for an architect

Architekt w podróży - Istria – lekcja dla architektaThroughout millennia, peoples, nations, states, and religions have changed. Each change, while indeed destroying a part of the heritage, also enriched the cultural legacy.

Gliwice against the backdrop of European architectural trends

Architektoniczna Triada - Gliwice na tle europejskich tendencji w architekturzeThe aim of the presentation is to showcase selected elements of the city’s architectural heritage from the 20th century and analyze them in a broader European context. The first meeting is dedicated to the modernist architecture of the first half of the 20th century.

Spodek 1971 – Silesian Architecture Days

Spodek 1971 – Śląskie Dni ArchitekturyTogether with SARP Katowice / Gallery of Architecture, we would like to invite you to a unique exhibition of archival photos from the construction of Spodek. The evening will be enhanced by a concert by the Moon Hoax band, and additional attractions will include two photography exhibitions from World Architecture Day 2020 and 2021.