Silesian Library of Spoken Portraits

With the “Digitarium” Institute of Digital Media, we are launching the recordings for a project called “Silesian Library of Spoken Portraits,” which is a reference to the former projects of the Silesian Library. For the needs of the project, the Audiovisual Studio IMC Digitarium was created, which will produce 32 recordings of individuals whose achievements in the fields of science, culture, education, sports, and politics have had and continue to have significant importance for the region. The Institute of Documentation of Architecture will be responsible for recording architects and people associated with architecture. We have already recorded Piotr Fischer, an architect working in Gliwice, and Wojciech Czech, an architect, dissident, and former voivode of Katowice. The results of our work will be available to view in the Silesian Digital Library.

Film portraits of other architects, realized in previous years, are available on our website under the Activities/Film Library tab or at the following address:

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