The Jewish Pre-funeral House of Max Fleischer in Gliwice

Grafika w tle pokazuje Gliwicki dom przedpogrzebowyAs part of the “Architectural Triad” series, on March 30th, a lecture will be held by Karolina Jakoweńko and Magdalena Żmudzińska-Nowak titled “The Jewish Pre-funeral House of Max Fleischer in Gliwice – the History of the Facility and Its New Life.”

Bydgoszcz through a critical eye

Architekt w podróży - Bydgoszcz surowym okiemYou are invited to another lecture from the series “Architect on a Journey.” Unlike the previous lectures, this one will be held in person.


Jesienny Bazarch - książki o architekturze w jesiennych cenach.In autumn, we attended the “Bazarch” architecture book fair organized by the Center for Architecture at the Mazovian Institute of Culture in Warsaw.